JAKARTA - Secretary of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Karyatin Subiyantoro reminded the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to destroy the old citizen ID card when it had reprinted its new KTP to change the editorial of DKI naming to DKJ.

This was mentioned by Karyatin when the DKI Provincial Government submitted a plan to reprint residents' ID cards because Jakarta's status changed from the Special Capital Region (DKI) to the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) during the relocation of the capital city.

"You have to first accept the old KTP, then you will be given a new KTP. Then, the old KTP must be destroyed, cut or destroyed so that there is no double ID card," Karyatin said in his statement, Monday, September 25.

On the one hand, Karyatin hopes that reprinting the ID card can be a momentum to find out the latest data regarding the number of residents who still live in Jakarta.

"Because many Jakarta residents no longer live in Jakarta, but their ID cards are still in Jakarta. Now this is a good momentum for re-data collection," he explained.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gembong Warsono, said that the printing of this e-KTP cannot be considered easy. The DKI Provincial Government, according to him, must prepare additional officers in 267 urban villages to speed up the printing process to distribute e-KTP to Jakarta residents.

This reprinting is a consequence of changing Jakarta's status. The workload will be in printing officers in the village. Because the number of residents whose ID cards have to be reprinted is very large, these (officers) must be prepared first," said Gembong.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary (Sekda) Joko Agus Setyono previously said that millions of Jakarta residents would be asked to reprint their respective ID cards starting next year.

Jakarta will leave its status as the capital city in 2024. That is why, according to Joko, the inclusion of the DKI Jakarta province in the KTP needs to be changed to a Special Region for Jakarta (DKJ).

"Yes, that will definitely change, the Special Capital Region will become a special area for Jakarta. Of course there must be adjustments in all identities. Just reprint the ID card," said Joko.

Joko said that the DKI Provincial Government has started to prepare the budget needed for blanks and ID cards due to the transfer of the capital city in the preparation of the 2024 budget year APBD.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registration Office, Budi Awaluddin, said that the reprinting of the Jakarta residents' e-KTP began when the capital officially moved. However, budi admitted that the printing was carried out in stages out of a total of 8 million people who were required to have ID cards in Jakarta.

"This will definitely be done gradually, this is because the change process runs in an orderly manner and adjusts to the stock of blanks available every day," said Budi.

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