LAMPUNG - A community leader in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, Ahmad Wagimin, requested that the land processing issue between PT Bumi Sentosa Abadi (PT BSA) and the community be peaceful. "Hopefully both parties can take a peaceful path in resolving this problem," said Ahmad Wagimin in a statement received in Bandarlampung, Antara, Sunday, September 24. He also hopes that the working group (pokja) of the Central Lampung regional leadership communication forum (forkopimda) can prioritize dialogue in order to absorb people's aspirations and be able to develop development that is evenly distributed to the presence of the management company. "The process of land processing the Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) PT BSA can take time because of the area of land," said Ahmad Wagimin, who is also a member of the Central Lampung DPRD. So, he continued, residents are currently still considering harvesting their crops on the land or reporting to obtain compassion from the company. "That way it is hoped that the conditions in Central Lampung will continue to be conducive and peaceful," he said. The same thing was conveyed by Rosali, a traditional community leader from Tanjung Harapan Village asked that the problems that occurred on the land be resolved peacefully. "We hope that everything will be peaceful, there will be no violence from the community and the working group. Everything can be resolved if there is a dialogue," hoped Rosali.
Central Lampung Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit said the company was still waiting for residents who felt they were planting on disputed land to visit the Forkopimda Pokja post at the Anak Tuha sub-district office. "People who plant come to the post to be counted and compensate for growing crops. Or if they want to harvest themselves, they will also be allowed to be escorted," said Andik.

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