JAKARTA - Online gambling is increasingly rife in society. The government, through the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), continues to take concrete steps to eradicate this illegal practice.

A number of policies have been taken. Now, the ministry led by Budi Arie Setiadi is finalizing a strategy so that online gambling will no longer run rampant.

"For the handling of online gambling, the focus of our strategy must be more advanced than the one used by the perpetrators. We can no longer make mediocre efforts, we cannot business as usual," said Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi.

A similar message was also conveyed by Budi to the top leadership ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics through the Kemenkominfo Leadership Meeting which took place on Friday, September 22, yesterday.

Budi explained several strategies that have been intensified by the Ministry of Communication and Information between terminating access to websites and content containing online gambling.

During the period 1 to 21 September 2023, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has terminated access and/or removed (takedown) of 60,582 online gambling content.

The platform with the most content being handled is on the website and IP addresses as much as 55,768 content, then 3,488 sharing files, Facebook and Instagram as much as 675 content, then Google and Youtube as much as 638 content.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics encourages efforts to take action against parties involved in online gambling transactions. On September 18, 2023, the Minister of Communication and Information has formally asked the Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners (Financial Services Authority) to block accounts involved in online gambling activities.

"As of September 21, 2023, 201 bank accounts have been blocked and 1,931 other accounts are being processed by the OJK," said Budi, seeperti, quoted from Antara.

As a preventive measure, the Ministry of Communication and Information will also prepare a mandate for cellular operators to tighten the data verification process for SIM card users.

In addition, internet service providers are also asked to identify a network that is inserted by online gambling sites and content.

According to Budi, enforcement and law enforcement efforts need to be carried out if a violation is found by cellular operators and internet service providers in accordance with applicable regulations.

"We appreciate the role of stakeholders who have been responsive in eradicating online gambling," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Applications and Information Technology (Dirjen APTIKA) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said that his party would increase synchronization between internal strategies and collaboration with external parties in handling online gambling.

The APTIKA Directorate, which is mandated to handle the eradication of online gambling the most in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Communication and Information number 1 of 2023, promises collaborative handling so that it can create a digital space that is safe and comfortable for the people of Indonesia.

"We will continue to strengthen internal consolidation, including by increasing the hardware capacity and human resources of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to eradicate online gambling. Collaboration with external parties will also be improved so that the eradication of online gambling can run more optimally to realize productive digital space," said Semuel.

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