JAKARTA - Combined officers from the National Police, TNI, the Department of Transportation, and Satpol PP of Bogor City, inspected motorized vehicles at six Sekat Posts on the main road to the center of Bogor City, on the first day of the odd-even system for motor vehicles, Saturday, February 6 .

Vehicle inspections are carried out by joint officers at six Sekat Posts that have been prepared, namely at the Yasmin Sekat Post, the Bubulak Sekat Post, the Gunung Batu Sekat, the POMAD Sekat, the Baranangsiang Toll Gate Block Post, and the Ciawi Simpang Sekat Post, starting at 08:00 WIB .

The officers checked four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles passing in front of the Sekat Post, whose number plates did not match the date on the calendar.

Today's Saturday, February 6, is an even date, so vehicles with odd plates are checked by officers, because they do not match the odd-even date on the calendar.

Because of that, the officer stopped the vehicle with an odd number plate, asked where it was going and what was the need? if the need is deemed not too important and urgent, then it is asked to turn back to its original direction.

Kapolresta Bogor Kota Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro together with Bogor Mayor Bima Arya who monitored the odd-even system implementation for motorized vehicles near the Bogor City Baranangsiang toll gate, said that for almost an hour monitoring the odd-even system implementation in this location, there were around Officers asked 100 vehicles to turn around.

"The officer asked the driver to turn around, with a friendly attitude. In general they are quite accepting and there are no complaints," he said.

Susatyo added, there are also vehicles with odd plates that are allowed to continue their journey because the destination is important and urgent, namely online taxis that take passengers to the hospital.

According to Susatyo, not all vehicles whose number plates do not match the odd-even date of the drive are asked to turn around, but some are exempt, for example ambulances and hospital employees who go to work. "If the goal is only to take a walk, we will ask to make a U-turn," he said.

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