JAKARTA - The government is expected to hear input from the DPR RI regarding the handling of air pollution. The legislative institution asks the Government not to be sporadic in taking policies that are implemented by prioritizing short-term solutions.

Trisakti University public policy analyst Trubus Rahadiansyah said the government must focus on handling the medium and long term in overcoming the problem of air pollution. Especially in DKI Jakarta, which is now included in the list of the most polluting cities in the world. Therefore, he assessed that the DPR was right to provide encouragement to the Government.

"The policy implemented by the Government related to the handling of air pollution is not appropriate because the central government itself does not focus on handling air pollution. So the encouragement from the DPR is indeed very appropriate," said Trubus, Thursday, September 21.

Trubus assessed that currently the central government seems to have let go of every policy made by the local government in suppressing air pollution. Moreover, the policies taken by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in handling air pollution are considered to tend to be sporadic.

"On the one hand, the policies made by the DKI Provincial Government tend to be sporadic, as if they only emphasize so that there seems to be an effort. But actually it's all half-hearted and not serious," said Trubus.

One of the policies highlighted is related to emission tests for motorized vehicles. According to Trubus, the DKI Provincial Government is not consistent in making this policy. Because currently the regulation has been abolished again even though previously the Government had intensified socialization about the importance of emission testing.

Trubus explained that the vehicle emission test rules have been regulated in the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 66 of 2020. However, the policy was not implemented. In fact, according to him, it is a long-term solution in reducing air pollution originating from motor vehicle smoke.

"Regarding the emission test, it has never been considered, it is not the focus of handling. Even though the emission test in Jakarta already has a governor's regulation. There is an emission test obligation there but what happened was that the DKI Provincial Government did not implement it," he said.

Trubus suspects that the Provincial Government has again abolished the emission test ticket because there are still many operational vehicles of the DKI Provincial Government that are elderly and indicated not to pass the emission test. He also assessed that the emission test ticket policy would be a master's weapon for the DKI Provincial Government if it continued.

"And it is even more embarrassing that DKI Jakarta's assets or operational vehicles are all old. Like yesterday it went viral, right. Now, this needs attention regarding pollution. On the one hand, the DKI Provincial Government itself is not ready," explained Trubus.

"So this is what indicates that the DKI Provincial Government is not ready. In the end, the indication is strong because it eventually revokes the emission test ticket. Due to fear of impact this policy must accept, it will look on its own face," he continued.

On the other hand, according to Trubus, the central government seems to have let go of every policy carried out by the DKI Provincial Government. As the highest policy maker, the central government should provide the right direction to regions that carry out policies to suppress air pollution.

"Indeed, the central government should play a bigger role in bringing together regional heads in the buffer zone of Jakarta. But it doesn't do much at all, even though there must be collaboration between buffer areas in reducing pollution in the capital city," said Trubus.

In addition, Trubus is of the view that ministries and institutions must also play a role in helping with the handling of air pollution problems. With the right collaboration with local governments, it is hoped that this will create a long-term policy.

"In my opinion, the DPR's alertness which encourages the Government for the medium and long term needs a regulatory policy. Later it can be used together to see that this long-term solution continues to increase sharply," explained Trubus.

Trubus also gave an example, the handling of air quality in various major countries cannot be created in a short time. He said that countries such as China and South Korea need years to create good air quality for their citizens. He hopes that the DPR can continue to put pressure on the Government.

"Because the DPR is a representation from the public, so it has the authority and has the rights which are also very strategic. In this case, it is to remind the Government that so far it has been passionate about or lacks attention in view of pollution," Trubus explained.

Trubus reminded that the state must ensure the health of citizens, with a focus on handling air pollution. Because the negative impact made by poor air quality is a health problem that continues to haunt the public.

"What must be protected is the citizens, so the policy is more to provide protection to the community. It is not a matter of how conditions are related to air sources themselves," he said.

The policy of the DKI Provincial Government which is considered sporadic in dealing with air pollution was conveyed by the Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the DPR RI, Charles Honoris. One of them is related to the work from home (WFH) policy implemented by the DKI Provincial Government as an effort to overcome the poor air quality in Jakarta.

Charles also asked the Government not only to focus on handling air pollution in the short term, but also to make long-term plans to protect the public from pollution in Jakarta.

In line with Charles, Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the DKI Jakarta electoral district I Putra Nababan highlighted the lack of integrated policies to overcome air pollution in Jakarta. He said that the entry of DKI Jakarta as a big city in the world with poor air quality was also caused by the lack of green open space. Even though green parks can help overcome the problem of poor air quality.

Putra assessed that development in DKI Jakarta needs to be accompanied by the opening of many green open spaces as a form of sustainable development.

"In the past, when I was still a supplier, Bung Karno prepared the Semanggi area as Jakarta's lungs. That's why there are many green trees in the Semanggi area. If we look now that there are many buildings, the trees are small, just for city planning," said Putra.

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