SOUTH KALIMANTAN - A former terrorist convict or convict from South Kalimantan (Kalsel) with the initials MHA pledged allegiance again to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"During my sentence in prison, I learned a lot to love the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, I was also fostered with various education in Islamic boarding schools until I successfully passed the deradicalization stage," said MHA in a statement written in a letter in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, September 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

Previously, the South Kalimantan Task Force Team and their ranks picked up MHA at Syamsudin Noor Airport, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, September 19 at around 11.00 WITA.

MHA has finished serving his sentence at Class IIB Prison, Cianjur, West Java.

MHA wrote a brief story while serving his sentence at Cianjur Prison through a letter.

In the letter, MHA admitted that he was happy and very proud to get good guidance, even getting religious teachings every day at Islamic boarding schools.

He regretted believing in radicalism that he had followed because he had actually deviated from Islamic teachings. "I often read books while serving my sentence in prisons so I finally reflected and realized how wrong my beliefs have been so far," said MHA.

He wants his life to change to the right path to abandon terror, radical and ready to help the government to prevent this idealism from spreading.

"The next plan, God willing, I want to trade and after getting married, I want a commitment to love the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Kamneg Sub-Directorate Ditintelkam Polda Kalsel AKBP Paryoto said that his party would empower MHA in a number of local government activities in the form of religion, humanity and other social actions.

"I welcome you to South Kalimantan to MHA, make this experience and event a valuable life lesson so that you are no longer exposed to terror understanding," said Paryoto.

Paryoto stated that the South Kalimantan Police are ready to do everything possible for maximum recovery of MHA, which used to be involved in social media propaganda related to terrorism. "We are trying to write a work in the form of a book to tell the story of his life's journey, starting from being exposed to terror understandings to being free so that other young people do not follow in his footsteps," said Paryoto.

Paryoto admits that young people are very vulnerable and vulnerable to exposure to terror and radicalism, so it is necessary to make maximum efforts to prevent this idealism in order to keep South Kalimantan safe and conducive.

In the future, Paryoto said that MHA would still receive supervision from the police and the local government. The South Kalimantan Task Force Densus 88 Anti-terror Police and the South Banjarmasin sub-district head stated that they were ready to accept MHA back to the community and would help those concerned socialize with the community.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the South Kalimantan Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT), Aliansyah Mahadi, will present MHA as a resource person at the dialogue on the prevention of radicalism and terror in October 2023.

He invites young people to be wiser in using social media so as not to abuse cyberspace to adhere to radical and terror notions such as those that ensnared MHA.

"We must not be careless, we must continue to communicate and provide positive assistance to MHA," said Aliansyah.

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