SEMARANG - Semarang City Government focuses on shifting the budget to General Budget Policy (KUA) and the Priority of Temporary Budget Ceiling (PPAS) in the 2023 Revised APBD for flood management infrastructure and stunting handling. Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu said that a total of Rp. 300 billion of budgets were made to shift according to the Ministry of Home Affairs regulations and the results of last year's audit by the Financial Supervisory Agency (BPK). "From the existing regulations and the results of last year's BPK audit, there is a budget or post that must be shifted," said Ita, her nickname after the Plenary Meeting at the Semarang City DPRD Building, Antara, Friday, September 15. Although there is a budget that has been shifted, he ensures that the Semarang City Government does not experience a budget deficit, along with several other local governments that implement efficiency policies. "For stunting alleviation. There are also many for flood control (infrastructure). Because yesterday there was a project whose auction did not allow for other flood control," he said. For flood control infrastructure, he said, the work projects carried out were more focused, such as concreteization and asphalting carried out with the e-catalog system. "Hopefully, in two months the construction can be carried out and flooding in Semarang can be controlled. Each OPD (regional apparatus organization) and sub-district can also maximize the existing budget," he said. Ita has several times also emphasized the importance of preparing for flooding to be carried out optimally this dry season, including boosting the necessary infrastructure work. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Semarang City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Kadarlusman said that the budget shift had been agreed upon with the signing of the PPAS KUA in several Budget Board (Banggar) meetings (Banggar) of the DPRD.
"Yesterday, we asked for information and presentation from the OPD. It has been clearly conveyed and can already understand, and agreed together," said Pilus, his nickname. With the shift in the budget, he hopes that all the planned allocations of activities can run and the budget is fully absorbed.

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