The Medan District Court (PN) has begun to virtually try the two defendants Oktario Sito alias Rio and Bernando Gultom in the case of trading one of the protected animals, namely a 1.2 kilogram pangolin.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) from the Medan District Attorney's Office presented witnesses from the Medan Baru Police in a virtual trial in Medan, Tuesday, September 12.

"We received information from social media that there was a trade in pangolin scales in the Medan Baru area," said witness Adi Tantri Siregar in front of Chief Judge Martua Sagala as reported by ANTARA.

He said the two defendants admitted to getting the goods from someone for Rp. 750 thousand weighing 1.2 kilograms, then resold.

The defendant admitted that the pangolin scales came from Sidikalang District, Dairi Regency.

Previously in the indictment, the Public Prosecutor's Office of Medan Asepte Gaulle Ginting said that on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, Medan Baru Police officers received information about the sale of pangolin scales on social media.

"Then the officer bought two defendants who would meet on Jalan Nibung Raya, Medan. After they arrived they were immediately secured," said Asepte.

According to Asepte, the two defendants bought from an unknown person in Sidikalang District, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra for IDR 750 thousand weighing 1.2 kilograms.

As a result of the actions of the two defendants being charged with primary charges, Article 40 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 paragraph (2) Letter d of Law No. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code

Or subsidiary, Article 40 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 paragraph (2) Letter d of Law No. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Ecosystems in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

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