Tarakan Police, North Kalimantan (Kaltara), is still investigating the oddity of Nabila's death (21) in her boarding house some time ago. This case still has not found a bright spot.

The police have examined 17 witnesses, to investigate the death of the young woman from Sukabumi, West Java.

Tarakan Police Chief, AKBP Ronaldo Maradona TP Siregar through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Randhya Sakhika Putra said his party was still waiting for the results of the forensic DNA examination by the East Java Police Labfor team.

"The results of the Labfor Polda East Java are still waiting 2 weeks and this is only the first week, a week ago they arrived," said Randhya, Tuesday, September 12.

Another effort was also made in investigating the case of Nabila's death. Although no additional evidence has been obtained by the police.

"We also use IT, we padukan to look for other evidence," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.

Of the total 17 witnesses who have been examined, the police have targeted a number of names suspected of being the perpetrators. However, this is still hampered by evidence that is not sufficient.

"There must be some suspicion, but we have to look for clues, evidence. From the autopsy results that the victim died, there was no poison, his organs were clean," he concluded.

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