TANGERANG - The murder case committed by Nirwansyah (23) against Anik Patmawati (51) shocked the residents of Lake Poso 1, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency. Because the perpetrator, who is known to be quiet, actually killed his best friend's mother.

"He is quiet, rarely hangs out with friends here. He is familiar with Daffa (the victim's child). I was surprised," said the head of the local RT, Sapuli, Monday, September 11.

Sapuli said that the perpetrator and the victim's child were very close friends, even Nirwansyah often stayed at the victim's house.

The news circulating was that the murder was motivated by the motive for debt pressure, especially the alleged pressure from the Nirwansyah couple, who at that time demanded around Rp. 30 million in order to get married.

Nirwansyah, who was pressed, borrowed from Anik, the mother of Daffa, his close friend. However, Anik actually cursed and advised Nirwansyah. Reportedly, Nirwansyah's debt of Rp. 500 thousand has not been repaid, but she again borrowed money for the capital of marriage.

"He borrowed not (not yet) paid, then borrowed again but was not given. In fact, Nirwan played with the victim's child every day," said Supali, head of the local RT.

"I don't know what motive he clearly borrowed money for the wedding fee. The problem is that the marriage is asking for money," continued Supali.

Another resident, Ola (26) explained that prior to the murder incident, the perpetrator received advice from the victim, because he wanted to hold a party for his wedding. However, the victim advised him not to hold a wedding party with his current condition.

"Want to borrow money for marriage, but not given, because he also already has a debt with the mother (Anik). Mother advised me, if you really don't have money for marriage, you don't have to have a party. Just like that, you don't have to be rich in style," he said.

Hearing that remark, Nirwansyah returned home. And at night he killed Anik Patmawati.

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