Foreign Rescue Team Starts Working at Moroccan Earthquake Site, King Mohammed VI Thanks Friendly Countries
Evacuation of victims of the Moroccan earthquake. (Wikimedia Commons/alyaoum24)

JAKARTA - Rescue teams continue to race against time to search for survivors in the rubble 48 hours after the Morocco earthquake, while personnel support from friendly countries is starting to arrive.

Search teams from Spain and the UK are working together in an effort to find survivors of the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred on Friday evening 72 km southwest of Marrakesh.

The death toll rose to 2,122 people and 2,421 people injured, state TV reported on Sunday evening, reported by Reuters, September 11.

The earthquake also caused damage to Morocco's cultural heritage, with buildings in the old city of Marrakesh, a World Heritage Site, damaged. The quake also reportedly caused extensive damage to the historic 12th century Tinmel Mosque in a remote mountainous area close to the epicenter.

In response, Morocco has deployed soldiers as part of its response, strengthening search and rescue teams, providing drinking water and distributing food, tents and blankets.

Search and rescue specialists with sniffer dogs have been sent by Britain and Spain. Meanwhile, Qatar said on Sunday its search and rescue team left for Morocco.

France, one of the countries offering assistance, said on Sunday it was ready to help and was waiting for an official request from Morocco.

Meanwhile, King Mohammed VI thanked Spain, Qatar, Britain, and the United Arab Emirates for aid sent, state TV reported on Sunday.

"The most sincere thanks of the Kingdom of Morocco to the many brothers and friendly countries, who have expressed their solidarity with the Moroccan people in this difficult situation, and some of whom have expressed their willingness to provide assistance and support in these circumstances," said King Mohammed VI after leading an emergency response meeting with civil and military officials as quoted from Atalayar.

The Moroccan side has assessed the need for assistance and considered the importance of coordinating support efforts, before accepting international assistance from friendly countries.

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