JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a limited meeting (ratas) at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday, September 11. This meeting is to seek breakthrough steps regarding the eradication and handling of drugs in the country.

"This afternoon, I want to invite all of us to find a leap, a breakthrough so that we can reduce this extraordinary crime (drugs), we will finish it well," Jokowi said in his introduction at the level in Jakarta, Monday, September 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

Jokowi observed a number of drug-related issues, including records from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) regarding drug abuse cases that have touched 1.95 percent of the community or 3.6 million people.

This also resulted in an excess of the number of residents in correctional institutions.

In addition, Jokowi emphasized the need to start strict law enforcement so as to provide a deterrent effect.

The Head of State also knows that many law enforcement officers are involved in drug abuse. Jokowi emphasized that the officers involved in drugs must be given strict punishment.

"This is a record and decisive action must be given to them," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, related to rehabilitation for drug users, Jokowi said that there had been a proposal from the Commander of the Military Regional Command or the Military Commander to be carried out at the Military Regional Main Regiment or Rindam. The proposal is in Rindam, whose Kodam has a capacity of approximately 300-500 people.

"It can be rehabilitated there, but we will also discuss what the budget problem will be," said Jokowi.

Finally, related to prevention, Jokowi wants all relevant parties to properly manage the problem of drug smuggling.

"The smuggling, the entry of drugs, we really take care of it. I think this is so that we focus, I want it to be decided later that we can do it, not in all provinces first, maybe the top five provinces with the highest drugs. We focus on it or the top ten, but we will decide later after we talk here," he said.

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