JAKARTA - Cadres of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) of Struggle are expected to spend positive energy in the struggle in the 2024 general election (Pemilu). Not only winning the party, but also the presidential candidate who was promoted, Ganjar Pranowo.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP Hasto Kristiyanto at the Regional Working Meeting of the PDIP DPD Banten Province, Serang City, Banten, Sunday, September 10.

He said it emitted negative energy because it would not help bring victory.

"So, the imagination is not negative, the imagination is positive, so you want to win the election, brothers and sisters must have imagination. Every day you have to say we can be greater," said Hasto, as reported by Antara.

Hasto emphasized that PDIP must be able to win the Banten area in the 2024 election. "Who is the champion here? Who won yesterday's election? Build the morning, imagine we can be greater," he said.

The politician from Yogyakarta also asked the cadres not to hesitate to go down to raise the voices of the people.

"So it will be positive energy to work every day. How much do I have to go to, every day how much do I visit, how much am I auctioning? That's called a struggle, fighting power. This must be owned," said Hasto.

The Banten PDIP Rakerda must be used as a momentum to finalize the strategy of winning the party and the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo in 2024.

"The point is that this is a momentum for us to consolidate so that we can regulate all strategy and implement strategies with the same rhythmic movement to win the 2024 General Election, both the Legislative Election and winning Mr. Ganjar Pranowo," he concluded.

The PDIP DPP Chairperson Ribka Tjiptaning, Chairman of the Banten PDIP DPD Ade Sumardi, Secretary Asep Rahmatullah and Treasurer Marinus Gea, and administrators of DPC and PAC throughout Banten Province.

A number of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who attended, including Rano Karno, Ananta Wahana, Hasbi Asyidiki Jayabaya, as well as candidates for members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Provincial and Regency/City DPRDs from PDIP.

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