TUBAN - Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Ida Fauziyah stated that the party, which was headed by Muhaimin Iskandar as chairman, would continue to be consistent with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board.

"PKB continues to be consistent with PBNU. PKB will continue to consistently make Pancasila make Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, making the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia a guide in managing the party and the Republic of Indonesia," he said during a political thought in Tuban, East Java, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, September 9.

Halaqoh politik itu merupakan rangkaian kecil pilgrimage ke Makam Sunan Bonang, dan bagian dari touring dan napak tilas perjuangan Wali Songo, 7-10 September 2023.

The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) emphasized that PKB as a party born from the womb of Nahdlatul Ulama, currently still exists not only in Indonesia but is developing in various worlds.

"NU has the ability to adapt to the culture and culture of the Indonesian people," he said.

He explained that Indonesia has many differences, but has remained strong in unity until now, because of the ability to adopt the way of da'wah carried out by Wali Songo.

"We will bring Indonesia to become a developed country, when Indonesia will reach one century in 2045. By maintaining this, we will achieve Indonesia's progress at the time of Indonesia's 2045 Gold," he hoped.

The PKB DPP held a tour and beat the struggle of Wali Songo, 7-10 September 2023. According to the schedule, the tour started with Cirebon visiting the Sunan Gunung Jati Cemetery, then Demak visited the graves of Sunan Kalijaga and Sunan Muria.

Next to Kudus visited Sunan Kudus' grave. Then to Tuban visited Sunan Bonang's Tomb, to Lamongan visited Sunan Drajat's grave.

Then he headed to Gresik to visit the graves of Sunan Giri and Sunan Gresik and ended up in Surabaya on the Sunan Ampel Cemetery pilgrimage.

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