TANGERANG - There was an explosion in the area of Perum Taman Ubud Kencana 3 no 15 Rt 015/022 Binong Village, Curug, Tangerang Regency.

Based on data received, the explosion information occurred on Thursday afternoon, September 7. The Center for Laboratory and Forensic Team (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters visited the crime scene (TKP). Shortly thereafter the Gegana Brimob team of the Metro Jaya Police also met the scene.

Subsequently carrying out coordination with the owner to conduct an examination. After an investigation, it turned out that the cause of the explosion was suspected to be from a leaking 3-kilogram gas cylinder.

Then the Puslabfor Police Headquarters team conducted an investigation at the blast site looking for evidence.

As for the evidence that was secured, 2 3 kg gas cylinder seeds, 1 plastic bucket, 1 black carpet was melted and 1 gas stove and a hose.

Based on observations at the location, it appears that a number of personnel from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) team in full clothes are guarding the vicinity of the incident location. There was also a police line attached to the house where the explosion was suspected to have occurred.

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