JAKARTA - The attorney for the family of Imam Masykur, Putri Maya Rumanti, said that when the victim was found his face was difficult to recognize. Because his body was loose, and full of bruises on his face and chest.

"The condition of the body has swollen. His face is also no longer recognized. If his fianc knows him, but is no longer good. There are bruises on his face, there are bruises on his chest," Putri confirmed, Tuesday, September 5.

Putri also said that the victim's family had just seen the condition of Imam Masykur when the body was at the Karawang Hospital, West Java.

"At the Karawang Hospital, when the deceased's family saw the body," he said.

Based on the description of the victim's girlfriend, continued Putri, she saw a hole in the left chest. However, she could not conclude whether it was a hole due to gunfire or a stab.

"According to his girlfriend who saw it, there was a gunshot hole, but I don't know if it was a hole or a puncture or in the left chest, like a hole," he explained.

"He said the person didn't make it. The boyfriend can't turn around, it's not allowed. Because only if the body is opened, it's true or not," he continued.

Therefore, to ensure the injuries suffered by the victim and the cause of death, he asked to wait for the results of the post-mortem from the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.

"So we are waiting for the results of the RSPAD decision," he said.

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