JAKARTA - A seminar with the title "The Role of Education in Building Waste Management Awareness and Recycling since Early Childhood" was held at the Men's School of Pertiwi, Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang today, September 2, 2023.

In the event, Yok Yok Ayok's Program Recycle! or abbreviated as YYADU! is again declared. This is an initiative that began in 2019 and has become an important change agent in an effort to raise awareness and actions related to the management and recycling of plastic waste in Indonesia.

YYADU! become a real example of collaboration between parties, combining various interests from the private sector, government, community, media, to educational institutions. Not only promoting recycling activities, the YYADU Program! also provides comprehensive education about the importance of sustainable plastic waste management.

This program seeks to create a clean, healthy, and free environment from plastic waste that is not managed and has the potential to pollute the environment. "This is our ongoing effort to expand public understanding and awareness of waste management and recycling," said Hanggara Sukandar, President Director of PT Trinseo Materials Indonesia in a media statement, Saturday, September 2.

"We believe that education is the key to achieving positive changes in people's behavior and thoughts regarding plastic waste," he added.

The seminar was attended by representatives of school principals and students from 20 schools in South Tangerang City. A good welcome was also conveyed by the South Tangerang City Education and Culture Office and the South Tangerang City Environment Agency.

"This kind of educational program is very good to foster responsibility and concern for environmental sustainability. In fact, our natural conditions are having problems, so awareness regarding waste management needs to be instilled through character formation," explained Deden Deni, Head of the South Tangerang City Education and Culture Office.

Also conveyed that the Representative of the South Tangerang City Environment Agency, Oji Restanto, said that South Tangerang City is currently facing a waste problem that is quite a concern. Especially problems upstream, from households, schools, workplaces, markets, and others.

If it is not managed properly, it can certainly cause environmental pollution that has an impact on the surrounding community. Therefore, education is needed first on ourselves, and of course students.

This time, the Putra Pertiwi School, which is a partner in this seminar activity, has been dedicated to creating an educational environment that encourages students to become agents of changes that care about the environment.

In this seminar, the Men's School of Pertiwi shared their experiences and views on the importance of educating early childhood children about waste management.

Discussing various aspects, including the importance of education on waste management and recycling from an early age, the role of children in becoming "agents of change," and a real effort to manage waste in the school environment.

This seminar will also invite other schools in South Tangerang City and other areas to join educational efforts and outreach about waste management to early childhood.

Dr. Novianty Elizabeth Ayuna, Director of Putra Pertiwi School as well as education practitioner, explained "As an educational institution, we are committed to incorporating learning about the environment and waste management into our curriculum from an early age. We believe that education is the key to forming a generation that cares about the environment and has sufficient knowledge to take positive action in waste management and recycling efforts," he said.

This collaboration creates new momentum in a joint effort to achieve a cleaner, healthier, and sustainable environment. With proper education from an early age, we can prepare a generation that cares more about the environment and is able to take positive action in facing the challenges of plastic waste in the future.

The presence of the South Tangerang City waste activist, Ismuniati also said that education and socialization of waste management and recycling cannot stop, but it needs to be carried out continuously. Although waste management activities are able to produce economic results, the main effort in instilling awareness that waste management and recycling must be based on the will to create a clean and healthy environment.

"Education activities cannot be carried out only once. Education is a series of activities that are continuously repeated and carried out, even for decades. Thus, all groups of people must be involved in the process to achieve the desired goals," added Dr. Novianty Elizabeth.

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