Dozens of people with disabilities who are members of the Friends of Disabilities Semarang visited the residence of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Saturday, September 2. They gave the final offering and farewell before Ganjar retired as governor. They also expressed their gratitude because for ten years the leadership has created inclusiveness in Central Java.

"Today we attended a farewell with Pak Ganjar because for ten years we have partnered with the Central Java Provincial Government. We continue to work with Pak Ganjar and today of course besides thanking, we also convey our hopes for Indonesia in the future," said Noviana Dibyantari, founder of the Friends of Disabled Community and Semarang Difabel House.

Noviana explained, so far Ganjar Pranowo has always provided opportunities for friends with disabilities in planning and determining policies in Central Java. Ganjar provides space for people with disabilities to be involved in Musrenbang, both at the village/kelurahan, sub-district, district/city, and province levels.

"In every activity related to the determination of our policies, it has also been involved there. It has begun to be seen that friends with disabilities have a concept that is not a daily concept but a human right. So equality and inclusiveness are always echoed by Mr. Ganjar wherever he conveys his policies," he explained.

The disabled community is always critical and criticizes every policy that is not in favor of people with disabilities. However, they always provide solutions and assist Central Java Provincial Government programs led by Ganjar Pranowo.

"We often criticize but we also provide solutions with efforts that have been made by friends of the Friends of Disabled Community and the Disabled House with the concept of empowerment, with the concept of working placement also with the concept of how our equality is realized in an inclusive atmosphere," he said.

Therefore, he was not surprised when he saw Ganjar Pranowo always excited when meeting friends with disabilities. Because on many occasions they often meet and exchange ideas to create inclusiveness.

"The hope is that Pak Ganjar will continue to run to become a presidential candidate for the Republic of Indonesia because from him we have learned a lot how he can humanize humans. So that in the future, by becoming President of Indonesia, he has had a long experience as a regional leader as governor, of course, it has become a provision to lead a more advanced Indonesia," said Noviana.

Ganjar Pranowo said that the introduction to friends with disabilities had been going on for quite a long time. The meeting was also quite intense. In fact, he admitted that he learned a lot from the disabled community and friends with disabilities in an effort to build inclusiveness.

"Earlier we saw the children performing, Kiki is great, yes. So Kiki is one of the most active there. So how much their ideas and ideas include their hopes to be given to the government and transformed into public policies. So build more inclusiveness and then they can get their rights," he said.

Ganjar is grateful that for ten years he has contributed to the inclusiveness that is increasingly being heard and implemented. He understands that what has been done so far is not perfect, but so far everything has been together to explore change and everyone knows more and more what is inclusive.

"What is expected, only one. Equality. So we are happy that every time we arrange the RAPBD and then we Musrenbang they are always present. So we learn from them," he said.

Meanwhile, Faradila Ramadani from the Friends of Difabel Semarang Community, conveyed that what Ganjar Pranowo had been doing so far in Central Java was very good. The inclusion has begun to be built and continues to grow.

"The hope is for Pak Ganjar, if for example it becomes real, it can advance Indonesia more inclusively. Especially for the field of education because I see that for this disabled education is still minimally inclusive," he said.

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