BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin asked the public to comply with standard health protocols (prokes) to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Ade Yasin does not want any regional quarantine or lockdown to be implemented.

"The economy will suffer if the lockdown occurs. If we are disciplined (prokes, ed), it doesn't keep going up," said Ade Yasin as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 3.

He hopes that the community will obey the implementation of 3M (washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining a distance), so that the Government does not have to implement a lockdown to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmission.

This is because many people think that the policy of Restricting Community Activities (PPKM), which has been in place since January 26, is not effective.

"Effectiveness is not effective depending on the behavior of the community. Maybe because it is overly bored, people are not disciplined, lazy to wear masks. This is the task of the task force starting from the RT, RW and village levels to re-educate the community about the importance of prokes," said Ade Yasin who is also the Head of the Task Force Handling COVID-19 in Bogor Regency.

As of Wednesday, February 3, the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force recorded 8,149 cases of COVID-19 in its area, with details of 7,391 cases recovered, 81 cases died, and 671 cases were active positive status.

"Bogor Regency implements PSBB through the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) from January 26 to February 8, 2021," said Ade Yasin.

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