JATENG - Semarang Mayor (Walkot) Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu appealed to women victims of Domestic Violence (KDRT) to dare to report what happened.

"We hope that women dare to voice their voices. Because yesterday I saw (KDRT in Sendangguwo), the victim was bruised and it seems that it has been going on for a long time," he said in Semarang, Tuesday, August 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Previously, the domestic violence case happened to a woman with the initials AA (22), a resident of Sendangguwo, Semarang. The victim was abused at home by YB, her own husband, and died.

The victim was found dead by two witnesses who are still relatives. From the initial examination, there were bruises on several parts of the victim's body, but the police have not been able to determine the cause of death of the victim.

Currently, the police have also arrested YB to account for his actions of committing domestic violence that killed his wife.

"Incidentally, yesterday I was on the road, still following the victim before being taken for an autopsy to the hospital. It's sad, I saw various (wounds) found. Come on, women dare to speak up," he said.

Based on data from the Semarang City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A), he said that at least 142 domestic violence cases occurred in Atlas City this year.

"I see now there are 142 cases (KDRT), but (the reality) is definitely more. There must be someone who doesn't dare to report. We already have a Mental Revolutionary Ambassador (RDRM) as well, there is a kind of call center," he said.

He admitted that economic factors were one of the most triggers for domestic violence cases. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which made all life activities return to normal.

"Yesterday, COVID-19 might be a bit sloping, but as soon as the children start going to school, the need is increasing. In the past, we were not doing anything at home, there were no activities," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Semarang City DP3A, Ulfi Imran Basuki, said that there were 156 domestic violence cases in the area in 2021 and an increase to 228 cases in 2022.

"There is an increase of 40 percent. We consider the increase to be high. For this year alone, there have been 142 cases. It can be seen. We hope that the number does not exceed the cases in 2022, which is up to 228 cases," he said.

Ulfi said that DP3A has a Department of Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) at the sub-district level to handle domestic violence reports, including RDRM equipped with a team of psychologists and legal services.

"In the RDRM there is assistance, there is a psychologist, there is also a lawyer if needed. There is assistance from victims due to trauma, medical services also exist, post-mortem, physical injuries, we cooperate with hospitals," he said.

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