JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) PT Tirta Asasta (Perseroda) Depok City stated that it respects the legal process of lawsuits by residents against it related to the construction of water tanks aka water tanks with a capacity of 10 million liters.
"Yes, I know, we respect the legal process," said member of the Depok City PDAM Council Tirta Asasta as well as the Depok City Secretary, Supian Suri via text message, Thursday, August 24, confiscated by Antara.
It is known that the construction of a water tank near the settlement built by PT Tirta Asasta Depok has obtained a building permit (IMB).
According to the head of the Depok DPRD PAN faction, Igun Sumarno, the water tank, which was built near residential areas, endangered the safety of the surrounding community.
"You can imagine if something happened, I think this will be the biggest disaster in Depok City. If unwanted things happen, it's called a disaster whenever it can happen," said Igun.
He emphasized that dangerous public buildings must be considered for the safety of residents.
"Don't necessarily think that the development is just a necessity so that it doesn't consider the communities in that place," he said.
"So make no mistake, not all government programs are not wrong, there are also those who violate the rules if it is during the procedures mechanism that are carried out," continued Igun.
The residents of the Pesona Depok area filed a lawsuit with the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the construction of a water tank with a capacity of 10 million liters which was considered dangerous. The lawsuit is registered with case number 45/G/2023/PTUN BDG.
The trial of this lawsuit has been held more than eight times. Including on Friday 19 August, the panel of judges of the Bandung Administrative Court held a field hearing related to the citizen's lawsuit against PT Tirta Asasta Depok (perseroda).
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