A total of 310 villages in the Central Java Province (Central Java) experienced a clean water crisis due to the dry season. Hundreds of these villages are spread across 27 districts/cities in Central Java.

The head of the daily executive of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Java Province, Bergas Catursasi, revealed that there were 310 villages experiencing drought and a clean water crisis in the Central Java region.

"The handling of the impact of drought has been carried out by BPBD of each district/city," said Bergas, Wednesday, August 23.

Bergas said that each BPBD had mapped the water sources that would be used to distribute or drop clean water to the public.

"They have mapped the available water sources, and then the budget is also available," he added.

According to Bergas, the average water availability in regencies/cities is only one-third to 40 percent used. Through existing data mapping, his party is able to drop clean water according to the public's request.

"Meanwhile, the peak period of the dry season is between August and September. It is hoped that November will have rain," he said.

Bergas added, until August 2023 as much as 9.2 million liters of clean water had been distributed by the Central Java Provincial BPBD to help clean water needs for residents affected by the dry season.

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