JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, admitted that he has followed President Joko Widodo's decision in wanting the election for the Governor of DKI in the regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2024.
Riza said, the plan to organize the next regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2024 also follows Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning the regional head elections.
"Regarding the 2024 regional head elections, it is in accordance with the laws and regulations. According to the current law, the one that has not been revised is the 2024 simultaneous regional election. We, the DKI Provincial Government are following the existing regulations", said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Tuesday, January 3 evening.
This Gerindra Party politician admits that there are a number of party factions in the Indonesian Parliament who want to change the Election Bill (RUU), which one of the rules is that the regional elections are normalized according to their period, namely the 2022 and 2023 regional elections.
This is different from the government which wants regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2024. Therefore, Riza admits that she has followed all decisions between the government and the House of Representatives in ratifying the revised Election Law later.
"We will submit the policy, which will be formulated and decided by the central government and the Indonesian Parliament, whether it is still like the current law, simultaneous regional elections will be held in 2024, fully under the authority of the central government and the House of Representatives", he explained.
Previously, Riza said he hoped that the 2022 regional elections would still be held according to the set schedule. The 2022 regional elections itself will initially be postponed to 2024, then the discourse of postponement has emerged in 2027.
"Of course we hope that the regulations made by the central government together with the House of Representatives can hold the regional elections in 2022, the next batch of 2023 and so on", said Riza on Tuesday, January 26.
He assessed that the central government has held simultaneous regional elections in 2020. From this experience, Riza asked that the 2022 simultaneous regional elections not be postponed. On the other hand, Anies Baswedan's tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta will also end in 2022.
"If we look at the period, it should have been in 2020 and 2019 and there should be regional elections. Ideally, the second wave should be in 2022", he said.
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