JAKARTA - After midnight, rain fell in Jakarta. Currently, the rain is getting heavier.

Heavy rain, among others, flushed the South Jakarta area, Wednesday, February 3, until 03.00 WIB.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has released a weather forecast for the capital city of Jakarta as of February 3. In his forecast for 07.00 WIB, the Jakarta area was generally cloudy to light rain. However, some areas in South Jakarta, East Jakarta to Depok, Bekasi and Bogor have the potential for moderate rain.

Quoted from BMKG, the weather forecast in a number of regions in Indonesia, including Sumatra, is generally cloudy to light rain.

For the island of Java, BMKG predicts cloudy weather to moderate rain, https://voi.idga. However, parts of East Java have the potential for moderate to heavy rain.

Meanwhile, the weather in Kalimantan is predicted by BMKG to be cloudy to light rain. But some areas in West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan have the potential for moderate to heavy rain.

Meanwhile, in Sulawesi, the weather at 07.00 WIB, Wednesday, February 3, is generally cloudy to light rain. However, parts of South Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi have the potential for moderate rain.

In the NTB and NTT regions, BMKG predicts cloudy weather to moderate rain. Maluku and Papua are cloudy to light rain. There is a note from the BMKG regarding the forecast for moderate to heavy rain in parts of Maluku, West Papua and Papua.

Friends of VOI, stay healthy in the rainy season

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