JAKARTA - Two new tugboats belonging to the Indonesian Navy (AL) namely TD Umsini and TD Irau are equipped with tools capable of cleaning oil that pollute the sea.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (Wakasal) Vice Admiral (Laksdya) TNI Ahmadi Heri Purwono explained that TD Umsini and TD Irau are equipped with a dispersant system with a capacity of three cubic meters per hour, so that oils that pollute the sea can be separated from water.

He hopes that the two new tugboats of the Indonesian Navy, which on Monday officially strengthen Fleet Command (Koarmada) III, can also be utilized by the government and the community around the ship's operating area when they face problems with oil pollution at sea.

These two ships use people's money, of course, at a fairly high price. I ordered the mayor, including the Commander of Koarmada III, to take care of this as well as possible to make the Navy useful and also to help the community with fire problems, pollution problems at sea," said Deputy Chief of Staff during a press conference after the handover ceremony. the ship was reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 21.

TD Umsini and TD Irau are two shallow sea tugboats for the Indonesian Navy operating at the XIV Sorong Navy Main Base (Lantamal), West Papua, which is a sea base under the control of the Fleet Command of the Republic of Indonesia (KoarmadaRI) III.

Wakasal said that the two tugboats were made entirely at the Noahtu Shipyard Association, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, for nine months since November 2022, with all ship components coming from within the country, except for engines and electronic systems.

TNI AL, in this case, is committed to supporting the policies of Mr. President (Joko Widodo) to make as much use of TKDN (domestic component level) as possible. These are rubber (on the front) of the ship which is also difficult to make. This is also a domestic vendor, including its parts. I think it is not a computer. (That was) from Japan. The engine is from Japan," said Laksdya Ahmadi Heri Purwono.

The addition of these two ships (each) was able to push the ship weighing 5,000 tons, 5,000 GT (gross tonnage). The red one is an external firefighter to extinguish the fire and can spray water as far as 100 meters," he said.

TD Umsini and TD Irau each have a length of 30 meters, a width of 12 meters, and a height of 5.10 meters. The ship can sail at speeds of up to 12 knots with endurance (power of sailing) up to five days, and is equipped with accommodation for 10 personnel.

The two tugboats can also function as search and rescue ships (SARs) because they are equipped with fire extinguishers to help turn off the fire and evacuate victims at sea. The fire extinguisher, namely the external fire fighting system with an independentmentine drive with a capacity of 650 cubic meters per hour.

The ship is also equipped with a number of devices, including a bollardpull35 ton, a steering home point of view of up to 360 degrees which allows ships to rotate all over, and a propulsion-sufficiency drive system that allows ships to maneuver 360 degrees in a stationary position on the spot.

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