The Perpetrator Of The 76-year-old Grandfather's Murder In Situbondo Because Of A Land Boundary Quarrel Was Arrested By The Police
Two perpetrators of the murder were taken to the investigation room of the Situbondo Police Satreskrim, East Java. Monday (21/8/2023) ANTARA/HO-ist

SITUBONDO - The Situbondo Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Polres), East Java, arrested two perpetrators of the murder of a 76-year-old grandfather after 13 hours of the persecution that led to the death.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Situbondo Police, AKP Momon Suwito Pratomo, said the two perpetrators of the persecution of Sutiyono (43) and Hasan Basri (27) were arrested at his home in Curahjeru Village, Panji District, on Monday (21/8) afternoon or 13 hours after the police received the report.

"The two perpetrators were arrested while trying to escape after receiving information that the victim Kaji Madun died," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Until now, he continued, the two perpetrators of the persecution that resulted in the victim Kaji Madun (76), a resident of Kayu Putih Village, Panji District, who died, are still undergoing investigation by investigators.

"If it is proven that the two perpetrators will be charged with Article 170 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison," he said.

In addition to arresting the two perpetrators, the police also secured two motorbikes belonging to the perpetrator and evidence of the paralon pipe used to persecute the victim to death.

Just because of the land boundary, an old man named Kaji Madun (76) a resident of Cempaka Hamlet, Kayuputih Village, Panji District, Situbondo died, after being persecuted by two suspected perpetrators who were known to be brothers.

The incident that resulted in the death of the 76-year-old grandfather occurred on Sunday (20/8) yesterday at the victim's house. The two perpetrators went to the victim's house and tortured them because they were triggered by a land boundary dispute belonging to the victim's nephew and the two perpetrators' sister.

However, suddenly the two suspected perpetrators came to the victim at his house and both of them immediately hit the victim with a blunt object, causing the victim to fall down.

The 76-year-old grandfather suffered bruises on his head and was treated in the ICU room at dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo and died at around 11.30 WIB.

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