JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI from the PPP faction, Achmad Baidowi, assessed that SOE Minister Erick Thohir has the capability to fight radicalism. Touching on the arrest of unscrupulous PT KAI employees related to terrorism cases, Baidowi views this as part of the BUMN war against radicalism.
"I believe that SOE Minister Erick Thohir is able to fight radicalism within SOEs. Because basically radicalism is the seeds of terrorism," said the man who is familiarly called Awi to reporters, Tuesday, August 15.
Awi views it as the duty of all parties to take preventive steps in preventing terrorism. Moreover, terrorism is the enemy of the nation's ideology. Therefore, said Awi, it has a task that must be supported by all parties.
"That acts of terrorism can paze in government-owned agencies that should be at the forefront of helping fight terrorism," he added.
He considered the arrest of PT KAI elements as evidence that terrorism could grow in state companies.
"This proves research that in SOEs there is the seeds of radicalism," he said.
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