JAKARTA - A married couple in North Kayong, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) are desperate to steal 20 goats. It takes money because debt is the reason.
North Kayong Police Chief AKBP Achmad Dharmanto said the theft of goats was carried out in a number of locations. The suspect used a rental car to transport the stolen goat.
"On the way, the three suspects saw the victim's livestock, which then the suspect AG came down with a knife. Meanwhile, the two suspects, who are husband and wife with the initials BG and his wife TC, waited in the car while looking at the situation," said AKBP Achmad, quoted from a written statement from the North Kayong Police Public Relations, Saturday, August 12.
After the goat was put into the car, the perpetrators continued their journey. In a quiet place, the suspect TC also went down to put the stolen goat in a sack. Goats were sold.
اقرأ أيضا:
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Dedi Sitepu, explained that the suspect, the newly married husband and wife, was encouraged to take livestock because they were in debt.
"Because he was in debt and ended up committing theft," he said.
Separately, Iptu Dedi said that the couple's debt was related to a wedding party a few months ago. "Yes, the reason for stealing is because they have debts of around Rp. 20 million, the debt was when they held a wedding party 6 months ago," said DetikSulsel.
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