JAKARTA - The Governor of NTB, H. Zulkieflimansyah was caught taking a shower with his colleagues without paying attention to the health protocol (Prokes). This shower photo was posted by Zulkieflimansyah on his Facebook page, Bang Zul Zulkieflimansyah.

"At 6:00 am, in Bayan, North Lombok. This morning, we were shivering together at the Mandala Swimming Pool, Bayan Village. The water is cool and clear, under the shade of the trees in the traditional bayan forest," wrote Zulkieflimansyah quoted from Antara, Monday. , February 1st.

"Bathing here is guaranteed not to make skin black. Because from the spring, the pool does not contain chlorine, and the atmosphere is shady. Anyone who visits here can get an attractive bonus: exploring the 10.3 hectare bayan customary forest," he said.

Zulkieflimansyah's upload received harsh criticism from netizens on Facebook. How could it not be, the government, both at the national and regional level, is in the midst of an incessant campaign to implement strict prokes. Currently, several photos uploaded by the Governor of NTB have been deleted.

Responding to this, the Satpol PP of West Nusa Tenggara Province promised to investigate the alleged violation of the COVID-19 process.

"For now, we are still in the deepening stage," said Head of the NTB Provincial PP Headquarters, Tri Budi Prayitno, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 1.

Satpol PP, said Tri Budi, had not yet sent an oral or written warning, let alone a fine for the official who took a bath in the pool. This is because the case is still in the deepening stage.

"We are still coordinating the steps to be taken," said Yiyit, his nickname.

Since the enactment of Perda number 7 of 2020 concerning the Management of Infectious Diseases dated September 14, 2020, the number of violators of the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) in NTB has reached 20,656 people.

"The violators are subject to fines of 3,452 people in the form of money. Fines are paid directly to the NTB Bapenda. For violators of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) the value is Rp. 200 thousand, if the general public is Rp. 100 thousand," he explained.

According to him, of the total 20,656 offenders, 312 were ASNs. However, 141 people paid fines, with a nominal value of IDR 200 thousand for each violator.

"Meanwhile, the rest will be given social sanctions, namely clearing roads and fields," he said.

As of Saturday, January 30, cases of COVID-19 in NTB Province had reached 7,569 people, of which 5,828 people had recovered, 333 died, and 1,408 people were still positive.

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