BANDA ACEH - Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, asked Anies Baswedan to continue to improve the insight of the archipelago, the spirit of patriotism and national values for the community, including in Aceh.
"The spirit of patriotism about national values, I think, is no less important to be further sharpened in this area," said Surya Paloh in Banda Aceh as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 7.
According to Surya Paloh, Anies Baswedan also needs to be more convincing about how to moderate much more moderate thinking in Aceh.
"For Bung Anies, to make it even more convincing, how to moderate much more moderate thinking, Islam, which is rahmatan lilalamin," he said.
Paloh also said that NasDem still insisted on the initial decision to nominate Anies as president despite the many polemics faced.
Menunggu Anies ditegaskan Paloh bukan hanya berdasarkan pada pertimbangan satu aspek saja, melainkan banyak perspektif yang dipahami, yaitu dengan harapan dan niat baik serta kecayaan untuk kepentingan bangsa.
"Public interests are far more meaningful than the interests of party pragmatism, as well as me personally," he said.
In addition, related to the name of the prospective vice presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, Surya Paloh stated that he was still waiting for a decision from other coalition parties, namely Democrats and PKS.
"We are waiting for Vice President to wait for our friends from this other party. The matter of the coalition is still going on as it should, there is no problem, there is no change," said Surya Paloh.
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