Mount Rinjani National Park Center (TNGR) Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) stated that two hiking trails, namely Aik Berik, Central Lombok Regency and Tete Batu, East Lombok Regency to the TNGR area were temporarily closed after land fires in the area.
"Two climbing routes to TNGR nature tourism are temporarily closed from August 7 to an undetermined time limit," said Head of the Lombok Center, Dedy Asriady, in Mataram, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 7.
The closure of the two hiking trails until conditions are declared normal or safe for these activities.
"The smoke in the burned area is still happening today," he said.
Previously, the routine of checking fire points had been carried out using the SIPONGI application, finding four hotspots, namely three points via NASA-NOAA20 satellite and one NASA-SNPP satellite point.
Monitoring of the CCTV of Mount Kondo on Friday (4/8), at 07.20 WITA, there was a fire and a puff of smoke at the location of the Aik Berik hiking trail. Officers were then dispatched to extinguish the fire site.
"Balai TNGR juga mendapatkan informasi lapangan Kepala Desa Lantan bahwa terlihat api di dekat puncak Gunung Kondo. Petugas dari Resort Joben juga melihat kepularan sip dilihat dari Dusun Aik Bual," katanya.
Furthermore, the hotspots from the SIPONGIdi-"overlay" application with a map of the TNGR working area obtained the results of the location of the hotspots at the Aik Berik Resort at point -8,442740°S 116,388820°E.
"The fire point is on the right and left of the climbing tourist route at a distance of eight kilometers from the area limit at an altitude of 2100-2600 MDPL," he said.
The TNGR Center coordinated with partners to handle the blackout and it was agreed that the 12-person team would go to extinguish the fire.
"Based on CCTV monitoring, until 20.48 WITA, there was still a burning flames," he said.
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