JAKARTA - The Indonesian Archaeological Expert Association (IAAI) has refused to allow DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to hold Formula E in the National Monument area.

IAAI chairman Wiwin Djuwita Ramelan stated that his party urged Anies to immediately stop the process of dismantling the Merdeka Field Cultural Heritage Area as a circuit.

"We strongly protest against the revitalization and utilization of the Merdeka Field Cultural Heritage Site which was carried out without proper procedures according to the laws and regulations and has caused damage," Wiwin said in a statement received by VOI, Friday, February 21.

The reason for the IAAI to reject Formula E at Monas, said Wiwin, is because Presidential Decree Number 25 of 1995 states that if there is a restructuring of the Free Zone and Monas, it must involve the Steering Committee.

However, said Wiwin, what happened now was that Anies had established Monas before asking for permission from the Steering Committee, which is chaired by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno.

"So, it is clear that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government must first apply for a permit to the State Secretariat (Setneg). However, the application for a permit to the Steering Committee was made after executing the southern part of the Merdeka Field Cultural Heritage Site," he said.

Wiwin continued, the planning to use Monas for electric-powered car racing violates Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage.

This, said Wiwin, was based on the absence of a Formula E recommendation at Monas from the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB), only the Restoration Session Team (TSP).

"The application for the permit to the Steering Committee is based on the recommendation of the DKI Cultural Heritage Expert Team, which in fact is a lie," said Wiwin.

"So, we urge the Steering Committee for the Cultural Heritage Site of Merdeka Square and the National Monument to cancel the permit to implement Formula E in the Merdeka Square and National Monument areas," he continued.

For information, this polemic originated from the chaotic recommendations for the implementation of Formula E in cultural heritage areas, namely the National Monument (Monas).

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan submitted the Formula E recommendation letter to the Medan Merdeka Area Steering Committee. In writing, the party providing the recommendation is the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB).

In fact, TACB Chairman Mundardjito denied having made a recommendation. Anies' men also admitted their mistake because they carelessly mistyped the name of the institution. DKI Regional Secretary Saefullah said that the recommendation written should be the Restoration Session Team (TSP).

"There was a mistake from our technical team. So, when it was included in the letter format, the wrong perception was that TSP should have become TACB," said Saefullah.

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