JAMBI - Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) of the Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DJP) of West Sumatra and Jambi together with Merangin Police investigators have named AS, Director of CV DD, an oil palm plantation company, as a suspect in alleged tax evasion.

Head of the Counseling, Services and Public Relations Division of the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices, Marihot Pahala Siahaan, said the case stemmed from the results of an investigation into CV DD, taxpayers engaged in oil palm plantations and were registered as taxpayers at the Pratama Bangko Tax Service Office (KPP).

The investigation was carried out in connection with the alleged tax crime committed by the US suspect as Director of CV DD who is suspected of violating Article 39 paragraph (1) letter d of Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended recently by Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations.

In the investigation process, investigators have found at least two pieces of evidence as required in the Criminal Procedure Code and Constitutional Court Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 dated October 28, 2014.

Then again through the case title both internally at the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices as well as with the Jambi Regional Police PPNS Korwas, investigators finally named AS as Director of CV DD as a suspect.

"Furthermore, investigators from the West Sumatra and Jambi DGT Regional Offices will immediately make and resolve the case files which will then be submitted to the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office through the Jambi Police PPNS Korwas," said Marihot, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

Based on the request of the West Sumatra and Jambi Regional Office investigators, the Jambi Regional Police coordinated with the Bangko Police to detain the US suspect on Tuesday, August 1 and the suspect was detained for twenty days and placed in the Bangko Police Detention Center.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the detention was carried out because it was feared that the suspect would run away, destroy evidence and repeat his actions.

The criminal acts committed by the suspect are intentionally submitting a Notification Letter (SPT) and or information whose contents are not true or incomplete during the period of the 2020 tax year (for the Annual PPh SPT) and the tax period from June to July 2020 (for the VAT Period SPT).

The suspect's actions caused a loss to state revenue of at least Rp452 million and the suspect's actions in the form of intentionally submitting a Notification Letter and or information whose contents were not true or incomplete was threatened with a maximum imprisonment of six years.

The Regional Office of West Sumatra and Jambi DGT will continue to strive so that law enforcement is carried out consistently and professionally as an effort to increase public compliance with tax provisions and increase state revenues.

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