JAKARTA - Chairman of the NasDem Party's Sulawesi Winning Territorial Rachmat Gobel said politics is not a matter of position and power.

"But what are the positions and powers for," he said when closing the orientation of candidate members of the NasDem Party DPRD throughout the Southeast Sulawesi Province in Kendari as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 31.

The orientation contains material about the vision and mission of the NasDem Party as a movement for changes and the Indonesian restoration movement, an understanding of being representatives of the people, to regulations regarding general elections.

The event, which lasted a full day, was opened by the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh.

Rachmad said that being a representative of the people is not just understanding the principles of the three main tasks of DPR / DPRD members regarding budgeting, legislation, and supervision, but the first and the main thing is about the starting point to become a politician.

"Starting from the nawaitu, from the intention. Everyone must depart from the heart," said Rachmad.

Rachmad also gave an example, as a representative of the people, the DPR has approved the Job Creation Law because it wants to increase investment.

After the law took effect, he continued, the DPR questioned the government where the law was implemented.

"It turns out that investment did not increase as expected. We have to evaluate this. It means that there is something. Investors also have an assessment of Indonesia. The DPR questioned the government's performance regarding this," he said.

In addition, he said, investments that enter Indonesia must provide added value for Indonesia's progress, especially in improving the quality of human resources.

"Don't let us just be the messengers of these foreign investors. We must host in our own country," he said.

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