The Pamtas Yonarmed 16/Tumbak Kaputing Task Force thwarted the smuggling of 1,033 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine and 10,000 ecstasy pills from Malaysia. The perpetrators who were caught by officers fled again into Malaysian territory.
"The illicit goods from Malaysia were smuggled through the Belandak Village area, Jagoi Babang District, Bengkayang Regency," said Kapendam XII/Tpr Colonel Inf. Ade Rizal Muharram in a written statement, Sunday, July 30, confiscated by Antara.
Adi Rizal explained that this announcement was based on a report from the patrol results of five members of the Sawaran Post and Sentabeng Post on Saturday, July 29 at around 00.00 WIB.
"This is following up on orders from Pangdam XII/Tanjungpura to continue to tighten security for border areas that have the potential to become a gap for illegal perpetrators to enter illegal goods from Malaysia into our territory," he said.
He also explained that at around 11.00 WIB the patrol team found a man with suspicious behavior carrying luggage into Indonesian territory from Malaysia. When dismissed, the perpetrator fled and threw away his luggage.
"There was a chase, but the patrol team stopped because the perpetrator had entered the neighboring country. According to the applicable law, a soldier is not allowed to enter other countries with a weapon," he said.
When the patrol team examined the luggage, it was found that a plastic tea bag containing white crystals was suspected of being methamphetamine weighing approximately 1.033 kilograms.
Officers also found four packages in clear plastic containing approximately 10,000 ecstasy pills and an ID card allegedly belonging to the perpetrator.
"For the time being, we already know the identity of the perpetrator from the ID card found during the examination. We will coordinate this with all relevant parties for further investigation," he said.
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