The family of Sultan Rif'at Alfatih, a victim of fiber optic cable traps in South Jakarta, admitted that he would report to the police if there was no goodwill from PT Bali Tower.
"The time lags until Thursday if I am not cooperative, I will take a stand (report it to the police)," said Fatih, the father of the Sultan when confirmed, Sunday, July 30.
PT BT is known to be the owner of the optical cable that ensnared the Sultan's neck on Jalan Pangeran Antasari, South Jakarta on January 5, 2023, at 22.00 WIB.
Abila has no communication and form of accountability for what happened to his son, Fatih admitted that he would make a report on the alleged negligence of the company next week.
"I will report the plan next week," he said.
It is known that the Sultan has been unable to speak for about 7 months due to an accident entangled in an optical fiber cable.
The incident started when the student in Malang was spending semester holidays with his high school friends around Jakarta. They went by two-wheeled driving towards Jalan TB Simatupang and then turned left on Jalan Pangeran Antasari.
After walking along Jalan Pangeran Antasari for one kilometer, suddenly there was an SUV that stopped in front of the victim's motorbike. Because there is an optical fiber cable that crosses the road.
"Because the fiber optic cable is made of steel fiber, the cable doesn't break when you are interested in a few meters. The cable turns to the back and stabs my child's neck. Immediately, my child immediately fell due to a cable trap," Fatih said when confirmed, Saturday, July 29.
The victim, who was unconscious, was immediately taken by his friends and a number of road users to the Fatmawati Central General Hospital (RSUP).
"(The doctor) sentenced my son that his throat or young bones in his throat broke and fell apart from what was called the offline or like the jakun was released," said Fatih.
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