JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Muhamad Mardiono sowan (visiting) to Katib Aam, Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Akhmad Said Asrori, at the Raudlotut Thulab Islamic Boarding School, Wonosari Village, Magelang, Central Java.
"We ask for guidance so that the party mandated by the ulama can become an inseparable part for the struggle of the people," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 28.
In addition, the visit was to ask for prayers, so that the election could be carried out as well as possible, as the people's lives and will be enjoyed by the people.
"I also ask for prayers so that I can carry out the mandate given as Acting Chairperson of PPP, because Pak Kiai is a teacher and caregiver for the ummah," said Mardiono.
According to him, there were several things he conveyed during the visit, including the issue of statehood ahead of the 2024 General Election.
Meanwhile, KH Akhmad Said said he was grateful for the presence of the party leader bearing the Kaaba who is also the special envoy of the President for Poverty and Food Security Cooperation.
This is a tribute to me and the extended family of Islamic boarding schools. We pray that this gathering will be a friendship that God has given benefits for all," he said.
In the same place, Deputy Minister of Religion Syaiful Rahmat Dasuki who accompanied Muhamad Mardiono admitted that his presence also asked for support as well as prayers to carry out his new mandate.
"Today I come, please pray and support. Because with his support, God willing, I can carry out the trust as well as possible," he hoped.
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