JAMBI - Anies Baswedan arrived at Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin Airport in Jambi to attend the National Working Meeting of the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (Rakernas Apdesi) which took place from July 25-27, 2023 in Jambi.
Anies, who was present as the committee's invited guest, conveyed the material to the participants with the theme 'Maintaining the Village of Building the Nation', arrived at Sultan Thaha Jambi airport, Wednesday afternoon.
Anies was immediately greeted with the chants of the volunteers who were waiting at the arrival gate.
The results of monitoring at Jambi Airport, Anies Baswedan was immediately shouted at by the volunteer group 'Our President'.
There are also residents and sympathizers who are waiting at the arrival gate of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Airport while taking pictures.
Most of the volunteer groups that welcomed Anies' arrival this time were mothers and millennial women.
Those wearing white shirts and blue headscarves and black headscarves have gathered at the airport since 08.00 WIB, morning until the time waiting for Anies' arrival which landed at around 10.00 WIB.
Sulhayati (61) one of the P24 volunteers (changes in 2024) revealed the reason for supporting her because she agreed with the vision of change echoed by the Governor of DKI for the 2017-2022 period, she was also judged as an honest, smart, authoritative, and community figure.
"This is the first time I have met Mr. Anies, I feel very happy," said Sulhayati, quoted from Antara.
He admitted that he admired Anies since the former Chancellor of Paramadina University Jakarta became the Governor of DKI. The Sulhayati family, who lives in Jakarta several times, told him that the capital city had changed for the better under Anies' leadership.
Meanwhile Angela Bareta, one of the millennial volunteers, also explained her reasons for supporting Anies Baswedan because according to the 18-year-old woman, Anies is a smart figure who she believes can build a better Indonesia.
"If Mr. Anies becomes president, I hope Jambi will pay more attention in terms of tourism and education," Angela hoped.
Anies' arrival to Jambi in order to attend the invitation of the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) which held the 2023 National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Jambi and the prospective presidential candidate from the parties carrying NasDem, PKS, and Democrats was scheduled to be a speaker with the theme 'Maintaining Villages to Build the Nation' The presentation of the Village Development Concept in Indonesia' at Balairung, Jambi University at 13.30 WIB to 14.20 WIB.
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