Garut Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman asked the police and related institutions to immediately resolve the case of fictitious money loans from PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) by arresting the perpetrators.

"Yes, I ask to be thoroughly investigated, do not let this incident happen again. Don't let it happen again, there will be a lot of impact," Helmi Budiman told reporters as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 24.

The Deputy Regent of Garut has monitored the progress of the case of a resident of Sukabakti Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut, whose identity was painted, so he has a loan from money to PNM, when in fact he never applied.

The case, he said, was of course those who were harmed materially by PNM as a financing institution with BUMN status, and the community was also harmed because they were suddenly billed a debt by PNM officers.

"Only here those who are harmed materially are clearly PNM, but the community is also harmed because they are morally billed, they are also harmed," he said.

His party has also met with the Garut Police Chief who explained that the case is still under investigation.

"Yesterday I met with the Chief of Police. Now it is still under investigation," he said.

He hopes that the incident of profiteering and leakage of community identity documents will not happen again in the future because the impact is detrimental to the community.

Regarding the provision of capital loans, said Helmi, there is indeed convenience, but PNM should continue to verify according to the procedure.

"Anyway, it's made easier, but the procedure must remain," he said.

Previously, it was reported that 407 residents were named to borrow money from PNM. Then PNM, the village government, and the police, conducted a search regarding the truth of the residents' complaints.

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