BANJARMASIN - A team of prosecutors from the Banjarmasin District Attorney's Office, South Kalimantan executed Misrani (57), convicted of corruption in the procurement of medical devices (alkes) at the Ulin Regional General Hospital (RSUD) which was decided by the Supreme Court (MA) to be sentenced to three years in prison.

"Based on a copy of the Supreme Court's decision that we received on July 17, the convict was also sentenced to a fine of Rp. 50 million, provided that if he was not paid, he would be replaced with imprisonment for three months," said Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Kejari, Arri HD Wokas, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18.

The Supreme Court in its decision granted the prosecutor's appeal and canceled the decision of the Banjarmasin Corruption Court Number 24/Pid.Sus-TPK/2019PN Bjm dated April 22, 2020, which previously acquitted the defendant.

In fact, the public prosecutor (JPU) at the court at the first level demanded that the defendant be sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million provided that if it is not paid, it will be replaced with 6 months in prison.

Arri explained that the prisoner was immediately sent to the Class IIA Banjarmasin Penitentiary (Lapas) after the results of the examination were declared healthy.

"The person concerned was cooperative when he was picked up at his house in Banjarmasin and accompanied by his attorney during a brief examination before being sent to the prison," he explained accompanied by the Head of Intelligence Section of the Banjarmasin Kejari Dimas Purnama Putra.

The convict Misrani was caught in a corruption case in the procurement of medical equipment at the Ulin Hospital in the 2015 fiscal year when he served as Head of Medical Services at a hospital owned by the South Kalimantan Provincial Government.

During the medical equipment procurement project, Misrani acted as the Technical Implementation Officer of the Activity (PPTK) which carried out the procurement of goods worth Rp12 billion with state losses due to corruption of Rp3.1 billion.

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