CIANJUR - Cianjur Police, West Java, is still investigating the hit-and-run case that killed a mother on Jalan Raya Puncak-Cianjur on Wednesday, July 12. A number of CCTV installed along the way will be identified by investigators.
The Head of the Gakkum Unit of the Cianjur Police, Iptu Hadi Kurniawan, said that his party had conducted further investigations by asking for information from four witnesses who had seen the vehicle that hit the victim.
"We will confirm the type and brand as well as the police number of the vehicle that hit the victim on behalf of Cucu (53), a resident of Cipanas District, to death on Jalan Raya Puncak-Cipanas, because the statements from the four witnesses who had been questioned did not clearly see the brand and police number," Hadi said in Cianjur quoted from Antara, Monday, July 17.
The testimony of witnesses received was also different. Some saw the Honda Brio perpetrator's car, but some called Agya or Alya. While the color of the car the description is the same, red.
His party opened CCTV footage at the scene, which was also not clearly visible due to lack of lighting, so the vehicle registration number was not clearly visible.
For investigation and development, his party will open a number of CCTV footage along the Puncak-Cianjur route.
"We will investigate through other CCTV installed on the Puncak to Cianjur route, with the hope that it will be identified soon and the perpetrators can be caught soon," he said.
Kanit explained that previously Cucu (53), a resident of Cimacan Village, Cipanas District, died on the spot after being a victim of a red car hit and run on Jalan Raya Puncak, while the driver fled towards Cianjur, several witnesses said.
"We will reveal as soon as possible by looking for information from other witnesses and opening CCTV footage at different locations that the car that hit the victim," he said.
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