JABAR - Police have taken action against more than 6,733 vehicles that violate traffic (traffic) in Bandung, West Java, in the past week.

"In the week to this eighth day, in the jurisdiction of the Bandung Police, we took action against approximately 3,719 violations for the two-wheeled type, and for the four-wheeled type there were around 3,014," said Head of Bandung Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Mangku Anom in Bandung, Monday, July 17, confiscated by Antara.

Anom explained, in this operation, the most entangled violations for two wheels were violations of not wearing helmets, and against the current.

"Meanwhile, the four-wheelers with the most are not wearing safety belts, and vehicles that are not roadworthy," he said.

Anom appealed to violators to drive according to existing safety standards because of the purpose of operations that want to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

"Because this operation aims to increase community discipline in traffic and driving, and to reduce the number of accidents, Alhamdulillah in the Bandung Police and West Java Regional Police in general there is a decrease in traffic accidents," he said.

Nevertheless, Anom said that the enforcement of letters still exists, although the main focus in Operation Patuh Lodaya this time is a violation that has the potential for accidents.

"There is a ticket, but the amount is not significant, what is subject to ticketing is a violation, such as not wearing a helmet, not carrying a driver's license, the STNK is dead, we are ticketing it," he said.

With the implementation of Operation Patuh Lodaya which is planned to be held for 14 days, Anom expects a significant increase in traffic order.

"We hope that with the Operation Patuh Lodaya laka it will decrease drastically, then the fatality will decrease. Therefore, what we focus on is violations that result in accidents," he said.

Operations Obedients of Lodaya 2023 will be held from Monday 10 - 23 July 2023, including against the current, driving under the influence of alcohol, using cellphones while driving, and not wearing SNI helmets.

Furthermore, vehicle drivers do not use belts, exceed the speed limit, drive underage, do not have a driver's license, and motorcycles ride more than one person, as well as four-wheeled motorized vehicles or more do not meet. requirements are roadworthy.

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