SEMARANG - As a form of concern for the environment, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi led social service activities to clean up trash at Tirang Beach, Tugurejo, Tugu District, Semarang City, Thursday, July 13. The activity was carried out in a synergy between the TNI and Polri, the local Muspida, a number of community organizations, security guards and scouters.

Accompanied by a number of PJU Polda Central Java, the Kapolda went directly to clean up the garbage around Tirang Beach and the riverbanks separating Tirang Beach and Maroon Beach. The garbage was then put in a number of sacks and collected for garbage trucks to be transported.

"This unfriendly trash is allegedly due to flooding and has an impact on environmental sustainability around Tirang Beach. Therefore, we carry out cleaning activities," said the Kapolda in a written statement, Thursday, July 13.

The Regional Police Chief said that the environmental care activities initiated by the National Police Chief were also carried out simultaneously by all Regional Police in the archipelago. In Central Java, activities are also carried out simultaneously to the Polres and Polsek levels.

"With this activity, it is hoped that it can trigger people to be able to live cleanly and protect the environment by not littering. So as to minimize the potential for flooding which results in unhealthy environment," he explained.

In addition to activities to clean up trash, the Central Java Police themselves previously also often secured mangroves on Tirang Beach as a form of environmental concern on the beach which is also a tourist destination for the people of Semarang City.

With the preservation of the environment around the coast maintained, the Kapolda hopes to increase the selling value and attraction of beach tourism for residents of Semarang City.

"With maintained authenticity, it is hoped that the public will know that in Semarang City there is also beach tourism that can be used as pride," said the Kapolda.

The action of hundreds of officers who cleaned up trash around Tirang Beach also received appreciation from a number of residents who traveled around the beach that morning. One of them is named Mrs. Fifin, a resident of Semarang City who travels with his family on the beach.

He was surprised that many uniformed officers came to the beach, but after seeing the garbage cleaning activities carried out, he appreciated the activity.

Surprise (surprises) was very high earlier, I didn't expect the officers to be this many. There were also TNI students. It's okay in Semarang because it's not on the beach and what's on the dirty, hopefully activities like this are often carried out in other places too, not only here," he said.

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