Police Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra confiscated 190 ecstasy pills from lovers with the initials DO (32) and AG (21), residents of Sumber Bahagia Village, Lubuk Batang District who are drug dealers.

OKU Police Chief AKBP Arif Harsono said the two suspects were arrested by officers while in a boarding house in the Jalan Mohammad Hatta area, East Baturaja District on Saturday (8/7).

The arrest was due to reports from the surrounding community that were worried about the drug buying and selling activities carried out by the perpetrators at the boarding house.

Armed with this information, his party conducted an investigation and monitored the perpetrators' movements to ensure the truth and then an arrest was made.

"We arrested the perpetrators without a fight. The status of the two suspects is as a dealer," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.

From the suspect's hands, the police confiscated evidence of 190 pink ecstasy pills found on the front floor of the bathroom wrapped in cardboard and black plastic.

The two suspects will be charged with article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary article 112 Paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"Currently, we have secured the suspect and evidence at the OKU Police to carry out the process of further investigation," he said.

The police will develop this case to find out the supplier of ecstasy to the suspect in order to break his chain of circulation in the jurisdiction of OKU Regency.

"Because this drug network must be eradicated to its roots in order to save the nation's next generation from the snares of these prohibited items," he said.

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