JAKARTA - The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI) has again dispatched 13 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to Germany in the government's continued program (G to G) for the health worker sector.

"Today we are releasing PMI again in the G to G program to Germany as many as 13 health workers," said Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani, Antara, July 9, Sunday.

He said that of the 13 migrant workers, they came from several areas in Indonesia, including Karawang, Bekasi, Cianjur, Purwakarta, West Java, Lumajang, Ponorogo, East Java, Purworejo, Boyolali, Central Java, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Bengkulu, Aceh Jaya, Banda Aceh, and South Tangerang, Banten.

Later, they will work in the field of nursing or health workers with the salaries received fantastically because the country has a law (UU) in favor of the workforce.

"We also encourage them not only to work, get positions and money. But in the future they can be used for domestic businesses," he said.

In addition, PMIs who have found jobs in developed countries such as Germany, Japan and Korea, whose technological systems are much more sophisticated, are expected to bring their knowledge back to Indonesia so that they can be developed domestically.

"So the technology can later be brought to our country and developed in building villages, cities/regencies in Indonesia," he said.

He also said that the placement of work such as G to G must be inflamed. Because, the dreams of young Indonesians who want to work abroad can come true.

"The German have now directly assisted PMIs by providing training to them and there are even certain things that have been borne by the German side," he said.

In the future, said Benny, if the G To G program is running successfully, it will be developed to increase the sector's "leading" such as labor in manufacturing/industry and so on.

"For the time being, it's only a nurse, hopefully later we can submit a proposal to Germany so that other sectors of work are opened," he said.

He added that so far there have been more than a hundred PMIs who have worked as nurses at the German health institution.

"Even though those who registered with us have crossed the 600-800 mark. This means that many of our PMIs want to work there," he said.

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