JAKARTA - The results of early detection data collection in all Puskesmas in the Tangerang City area, it was found that as many as 20 thousand residents of Tangerang City were confirmed to be obese.

This amount is data in May 2023 from the Tangerang City Health Office's P2P (prevention and Disease Control).

"For screening, the target is more than 15 years, most of them are obese over 20 years to 50 years. Most stand out at that age," said the Head of P2P (prevention and Disease Control) at the Tangerang City Health Office, Harmayani when confirmed, Sunday, July 9.

He said the number was then reported to the Ministry of Health through the Indonesian Healthy Application (ASIK). Harmayani continued, based on the prevalence of obesity from Riskesdas (Basic Health Research and Development) The Indonesian Ministry of Health's Research and Development Agency in 2018 was indeed in Indonesia in 31 percent of people who were obese.

Meanwhile, in Tangerang City, from the total population, there are 28.6 percent. However, the number of 20 thousand people who are obese is not necessarily all problematic with health. This is because the data is only the Growth Index (IMT).

"The data we include in general, because in obesity there are other categories, there are mild, moderate and severe obesity," he said.

According to him, obesity is a condition when the fat that accumulates in the body is very much due to the more calories that are burned. So that the weight above normal.

"The first is normal, the second is just fat or heavier, the third is obesity, namely body condition that is more than fat," he said.

"In general, in Indonesia, the obesity rate is quite high, not only in Tangerang City. In the health language, IMT, which has been more than 27, is said to be obese," he said.

It is known, currently there are two cases of obesity in Tangerang City. Where the two people could not walk because the weight was too big.

The first case was experienced by a resident of Pedurenan Village, Karang Tengah District named Muhammad Fajri (27) weighing 300 kilograms who finally died at the RSCM last Thursday, June 22.

Then, the man Cipto Raharjo (45), a resident of Kunciran Indah Village, Pinang District, also suffered obesity with a weight of about 200 kilograms. Cipto is still undergoing treatment at the Pinang area hospital.

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