Bandarlampung City Police (Polresta) said that up to now four witnesses related to the elevator crash at the Bandarlampung Az-Zahrah School killed seven construction workers. "So far, we have examined and interrogated four people to collect clues from the Az-Zahrah school," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandarlampung Police, Kompol Dennis Arya Putra, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 6. He said he would summon related parties, such as the school, and the developer responsible for the incident that claimed the lives of as many as seven people. He admitted that the accident had not been officially reported by the school. "Until we have not received a report from the Az-Zahrah regarding the incident of the elevator crash at the school," he said, the incident at the school was known by the police from public reports, that there were nine people who were being treated in hospital with broken bones due to an elevator accident. "But because this is an event, where the police are required to carry out a rare or police action, we have gone down to conduct an investigation," he said. He said based on the results of the interrogation that the elevator used by the nine victims was indeed for goods, in order to remove goods to the fifth floor. "So we have conducted a crime scene processing and have recorded, visiting victims who have died. In addition to the seven deaths, two of them are still being treated in hospitals in critical conditions," he said. Meanwhile, it represents the Az-Zahrah Foundation, the Principal of SD Az-Zahrah School, Iqbal Hafidz Hakim, denied that his party did not conduct a police report on the incident of the elevator crash.
"Yesterday, we didn't report this incident to the police, but at that time there were only school guards, and what they were a little shocked about, so what was prioritized was the focus of handling the accident," he said. He said that the work on renovating the futsal field or sports area on the fifth floor of Az-Zahrah had been running from March 2023. Previously, seven people died from falling from the elevator at the Bandarlampung Az-Zahrah School on (5/7) and two others were undergoing intensive treatment at the hospital.
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