TANGERANG - Defendant Pungky Marsyaviani, who was the victim of the Rina-Rihani twins, was named a suspect for alleged embezzlement, will now undergo his first trial at the Tangerang District Court.
Public Relations of the Tangerang District Court, Arif Budi Cahyono, confirmed that there was the first trial. The plan is for the trial to be held on Thursday, July 6, at 10.00 WIB.
"According to the schedule at 10 am," said Arif when confirmed, Thursday, July 6.
Arif said the trial this time was scheduled to read the indictment against Pungky Marsyaviani.
"It's true that there is an agenda for reading the indictment," he said
Furthermore, Pungky's inaugural trial will be chaired by Chief Judge Sayidin Bagariang. Meanwhile, the member judges, Agung Suhendro and Besman Simarmata.
Chairman Mahelis Sayidin Bagariang. (Meanwhile) its member judges, Agung Suhendro and Besman Simarmata," he concluded.
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