BENGKULU - DP3AP2KB Bengkulu City said that as many as 10 pairs of brides and grooms will take part in the marriage program for the free hall or mass marriage 2023 which will be held on July 6 at a hotel in the area, which is budgeted for in the 2023 APBD amounting to Rp90 billion.
"The 2023 free hall marriage program has met the quota provided, which is 10 pairs of brides and will be married to a hotel in the Panjang Beach area of Bengkulu City," said Bengkulu City Head of the Quality of Life for Women and Fulfillment of Children's Rights and Empowerment of the Community of the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB) Riza Emilia, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 3.
For the implementation of the marriage of the free center in 2023, the Bengkulu City Government has prepared 10 penghulu, in order to marry the participants and the implementation of the program is 100 percent free. He explained that the funds used came from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) amounting to Rp90 billion and the implementation of the free marriage will start at 09.00 WIB until it is finished.
For the requirements for the 2023 free hall marriage program, namely native Bengkulu City residents as evidenced by identity cards (KTP) and family cards (KK), incapable certificates, not in marriage ties and others.
It is known, the implementation of the marriage center or mass marriage for residents of the city of Bengkulu who are unable to cooperate with the Women's Organization Association (GOW).
"The Bengkulu City Government is still focused on its vision and mission to bring the City of Bengkulu to be religious and happy, for that we will carry out hall marriage or mass marriage activities for residents of the city of Bengkulu who cannot afford it," he said.
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