YOGYAKARTA The roof Solar Power Plant (PLTS) is the most potential environmentally friendly power plant in the world. This is because PLTS is modular so it doesn't require a special operator to manage energy. Well, in this article, the state with the largest PLTS will discuss it. Read it out until it runs out, yes!

Please note, PLTS is a power plant that converts solar energy into electrical energy.

Utilization of PLTS to harvest solar energy is one of the steps to fight climate change and global warming.

The use of PLTS is also in line with the two goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely clean and affordable energy and handling climate change.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many countries are trying to increase their PLTS installed capacity.

According to Global Energy Monitor data, the capacity of solar power plants (PLTS) operating in the world reaches 365,997 megawatts (MW) until January 2023. Meanwhile, the PLTS capacity, which is still under construction, is 172,224 MW.

China is the country with the largest PLTS in the world today. Data published by Global Energy Monitor shows that the capacity of PLTS operating in the Bamboo Curtain Country reaches 175,767 MW.

China has the largest solar power station in the world, namely PLTS Gonghae which is located in Hainan Province. PLTS Gonghae has an electric energy production capacity of up to 2,200 MW.

In addition, China also has a Tengger Desert Solar Park which produces an electrical energy of 1,547 MW. Located in the Tengger Desert location, the PLTS, which was completed in 2017, is known as the Great Wall of Solar Wall of Solar.

The country with the largest PLTS according to the next Global Energy Monitor is the United States. Uncle Sam's country has a PLTS capacity of 50,147 MW until January 2023.

India ranks third on the list of countries with the largest PLTS in the world. The capacity of PLTS operating in the Continent Children's Country was reported at 37,820 MW.

Below India, there is Vietnam which has a PLTS capacity of 12,300 MW. Then Mexico with an operating PLTS capacity of 12,119 MW.

Japan has a PLTS capacity of 8,434 MW. Meanwhile, the capacity of PLTS owned by Australia and Spain is 7,840 MW and 6,220 MW, respectively.

So what about Indonesia? Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the potential for solar energy in Indonesia reaches 207.8 Giga Watt (GW). However, the realization of the installation of PLTS in the country is still very small.

Data reported by the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources shows that the realization of PLTS installed capacity in 2022 is 271.6 megawatts (MW) or far below the plan of 893.3 MW. This figure only increased by 66.9 MW from 2021, with an installed capacity of 204.7 MW.

Currently, the government is making regulations for the use of clean energy, and it is hoped that this year it can be completed, namely the New Energy Renewable Energy Law (UU EBET). This law will be the main basis for Indonesia to be able to make a faster energy transition.

That's the information about a country with the largest PLTS in the world. Get news of the option update only on VOI.ID.

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